Mats Nielsen
For many years until 2015, Mats worked as a project manager in the events industry before fully investing his time and energy in Yin yoga teachings. He has for many years immersed himself in vipassana meditation with several different teachers around the world. His main inspiration comes from SN Goenka, Gil Fronsdal and Sayadaw U Tejaniya. He sees the latter as his main teacher. Mats holds a certificate in classical Hatha yoga and has studied with, among others, Norman Blair, Judith Lasater, Bernie Clark and Petri Räisänen. In 2019, he also began a psychosynthesis training (transpersonal psychotherapy). Together with Magdalena Mecweld, Mats teaches during the Yin yoga teacher trainings where he teaches primarily the meditation part. Mats lives together with Magdalena in Stockholm.
“Meditation helps me to create inner peace, to get distance from my reactions, not to react impulsively but instead to act constructively. It is an excellent tool for creating peace, getting to know and transform the inner demons into friends”.
- Mats Nielsen