Newsletter from us, MAY…


Here you can read the latest Newsletter from us (May). We usually send it 3-6 days before we publish it here. Please subscribe to it if you would like to get our information about Workshops, TTC:s, Travels etc. beforehand (just put your email here on this page down below). Thank you! Much love Magdalena

Yin Yoga Earth Sequence


This is an easy Yin sequence you are encouraged to practise when ever you feel off the ground and in your head. It creates a balance in the Earth Element (according to the Five Elements Theory (Traditional Chinese Medicine)). It calms the mind and settles the body. Also, to stimulate the acu point Spleen 6 is … Read more

Yinmagdalenas earthy Earth soup!


This soup was inspired by the many similar soups we ate for breakfast/lunch in Burma. I could eat it every day. I can not grow tired of them. It’s almost like a hot salad, because you put the greens at the end so they are still crispy. At the same time you put a lot … Read more

Butterfly Variations


Butterfly – a very simple posture that has many varitions. Begin by bringing together the soles of the feet Bernie Clarks calls this the most spiritual position since it unites the soles;), depending on how far away / near the groins you hold your feet, the position will stimulate different parts of the thighs / … Read more

Don´t Blame it on the Yoga!


A common (and effective) ”Master Suppression Technique”  is to spread false rumors. Such a rumor in the so-called yoga world is that a particular yoga style would be dangerous, causing many people to hurt themselves if they perform ”this” yoga. The reason for these comments may be due to jealousy, ignorance or simply a kind of … Read more